The Olsens of Richmond Beach, Washington

This blog was created to update and share family photos, information, and our history. Family is invited to post comments and send me information! Thanks and Welcome-Holly

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We are looking for our mothers.

I have two lost utensils that need to be returned to their owners. Please let me know if you recognize them.
Thanks. Holly

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just a reminder for the family reunion tomorrow July 18th

Remember, the family reunion is coming up tomorrow and we want to see everyone again!! For details click on the link at the top. Just bring a side dish if you can, the hamburgers, hotdogs and brauts will be waiting for you. We will also be supplying the plates, silverware, and cups. 
Hopefully, the weather will hold and we will have sunshine this year. 
It will start about noon and we will be eating around 1:30.